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  China office

  Room 309, West Wing, China World Trade Center

  No.1 Jian Wai Da Jie

  Beijing 100004

  P.R. China

  Tel: +86 10 58657700

  Fax: +86 10 58657701

  Taiwan office

  14/F, No. 105, Sec. 2

  Tun-Hwa South Road

  Taipei, 106 Taiwan

  Tel: +886 2 6636 8500

  Fax +886 2 6636 8511

  Hong Kong office

  Suite 4102, 41/F

  The Lee Gardens

  33 Hysan Avenue

  Causeway Bay

  Hong Kong

  Tel: +852 2916 2100

  Fax: +852 2970 2277

  Corporate headquarters

  Adobe Systems Incorporated

  345 Park Avenue

  San Jose, CA 95110-2704

  Tel: 408-536-6000

  Fax: 408-537-6000

  Directions to the San Jose office

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